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If you’re a regular pool player, you might want to think about investing in a cue and some accessories. These tools can help make the game more enjoyable and protect your equipment. Below are some of the items you need to have to better your pool playing.
If you’re asking yourself if it is time to get your first or your next pool cue, the answer is YES! As a pool player, you need to have your pool cue. This is an opportunity to get the perfect one - the right length and weight for your play style and skill. By owning your own pool cue, you’ll see more consistent gameplay. If you need pointers, follow this guide to chose the best one for you. Or, if you want to separate yourself from the crowd, view our selection of rare pool cues.
Do you already own a pool cue? You might be interested in purchasing a break cue. Break cues are made specifically for breaking. A breaking cue has harder tips, designed for breaking without damaging the tip or shaft of the pool cue. It would help if you didn’t use your playing cue to break since the impact could cause damage over time. A break cue will help you make the most out of your opening shot, which sets the tempo for the rest of the game.
Your pool cues were an investment - be sure to protect them with a cue case. A quality cue case can save your pool cues from the elements or accidental falls. Any case is going to offer some protection from wear and tear, but by choosing the right case, you could keep your cues free of dents, nicks, scratches, and being affected by moisture. A cue case is the number 1 way you can keep your pool cue in good condition. It's also a great gift idea for any pool player you know who doesn't have one!
All good pool players know just how vital chalk is. This is something you will always need during a game. If you haven’t yet, experiment with different chalks to find the one you like best and always have a spare in your cue case. By using chalk before each shot, you can prevent the cue from sliding off the pool ball. Chalk creates friction, which not only improves contact leading to better timing, accuracy, and direction - it also increases the spin of the ball.
Over time, your pool cue tip wears down and flattens. A smooth tip may cause you to miscue. The tip of your cue should be curved and rough to maximize chalk retention. With a tip shaper or scuffer, your tip will remain in shape for longer, and you’ll have a more controlled shot. If you don’t yet own a personal cue, when looking for one to borrow, make sure the tip isn’t level and smooth.
Tips will chip, break, or wear out. It is always better to be safe and have extra tips in your bag. By keeping some on hand that is the same model as the one you’re currently using, you can ensure that your gameplay will stay consistent.
This one is so simple, but keep a towel in your pool cue case! The more you play, the more sweat, grime, and grease will accumulate on your cue stick. Having a towel handy means you'll be able to dry your hands and clean your cue during a game. You might find that cleaning your cue stick will give you a smoother, nicer stroke.
If you have perpetually sweaty hands, you might want to get a pair of gloves specific for playing pool. The movement of the cue stick might be affected by the sweat or friction from your hands. Gloves help provide you with a better grip and a smoother shot. Chalk can build up over time - on not just your cue stick but your hands as well. Dirty hands can make it harder to aim. A pair of gloves help to eliminate this problem.
A lot of bars out there use coin-operated tables. In case you were unsure, these are usually 7-foot pool tables. Most people are familiar with this size pool table. Instead of carrying a bunch of quarters to play, your cue case should have a pocket large enough to fit $10 worth of quarters.
To become one of the best pool players in the world, you have to love playing it. It takes time to learn the intricacies of billiards and controlling the movement of the cue ball at will. Anyone can learn to be a great pool player; it just takes practice.
At Buffalo Billiards Supply, we hope you love playing pool as much as we do. These pool accessories can make it a little bit easier and more fun while making you a better pool player. If you have any questions, please visit our local pool hall in Downtown Petaluma, or call (800) 400-4-CUE today.